About us

Our mission is to provide housing and care to improve opportunities for people
emh care & support is part of emh group which provides affordable homes and related care and support services to communities across the East Midlands.
Enabling better lives is at the heart of everything we do. We help vulnerable people to live an enjoyable, independent life by advocating on their behalf or by providing activities, support, care, and housing that matches their needs.
We also provide diverse housing and supported living services to a range of people whose circumstances have made their lives or their housing vulnerable, such as teenage parents, older people, and homeless people.
The people we support can access daytime activities through an exciting programme that takes place at venues across Derbyshire. We also work with the community, such as universities and doctors, to provide better access to information for our client groups.
How do we do it?
Our team is an experienced one, and works in partnership with local authorities, health providers, social housing providers, charities, and landlords to provide the housing, support, and care that best matches people’s needs.
We also work in partnership with individuals, their families, staff, carers, and the community to ensure that people are receiving the best support that is available to them.
Our Service Users Forum allows the people we support to be engaged in the decision making process. Senior managers regularly attend the Forum meetings to feed back on suggestions made by the members of the group.
Tackling homelessness
As a social housing and care provider, we have a significant landlord presence in the East Midlands and a strong track record of delivering homeless accommodation and support services.
Our latest Homelessness Strategy sets out the solutions we can offer in tackling the national homelessness crisis. These can be collected under four broad categories:
- Provision of homes
- Preventing homelessness
- Lobbying
- Partnership working
Download our strategy for full details:
Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 & Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2021
As an employer with more than 250 employees, in line with Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 we have published a report showing the difference between the average earnings of men and women. In line with our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, we have also included ethnicity pay gap details in this year’s report.
Registered name and address
EMH Care & Support Limited, Memorial House, Whitwick Business Park, Stenson Road, Coaville, Leicestershire LE67 4JP.
EMH Care & Support Limited is a registered charity No. 1001704