Value for money
At a time of rapidly increasing costs, balancing the day-to-day budget requires us to be more efficient than ever,
concentrating hard on every aspect of expenditure and value for money.

We are committed to achieving Value for Money (VfM) by being an effective and efficient social business in all our activities.
Who handles VfM?
VfM activity is overseen by the board with the Business Improvement Group monitoring the overall approach.
Customers are an integral part of VfM, scrutinising reports and being directly involved in any customer-facing reviews.
How we achieve VfM
Effective financial planning and accurate financial information are essential in the delivery of VfM. The Financial Plan - which supports the annually updated Business Plan - is the primary way in which resources are allocated.
The board - through the Treasury Committee - has identified the following priorities:
- Maintain financial viability
- Provide cost-effective customer services
- Fund reinvestment in existing stock
- Maintain and increase the development programme
- Develop our care and support activities
- Procure efficiently
- Deliver increasingly in-house
- Undertake a continuous programme of customer service reviews